Answer Sheet for Lab #1: Searching for Information
Name: __________________________________________________________
Directions: After printing this Answer Sheet out, print your name where indicated and fill in the blanks below -- more than enough lines have been provided.
1. In the "Section Name and Title" box, the information for CST-093 is:
2. In the "Meeting Information" box, the information for CST-103 is:
3. In the "Section Name and Title" box, the information for the last CST course entry is:
4. The title of CST-103 is ____________________________________________
CST-103 is __________ credits.
5. List all of the names of the CST faculty found on this page:
6. When I searched QVC for software, I found __________ results.
The name and cost of the first item in the list that costs more than $100.00 is
__________________________________________________ ____________
7. The program that is on PBS is:
8. Queen Elizabeth II was born on _____________________________________
She ascended to the throne on