CST106 - Evaluating Web Resources Assignment  (15 Points)

As you progress with your college career, you will often use Internet/web resources to research and present topical information.  Understanding how to evaluate content and how to properly cite Internet/web resources is an important skill for any student to acquire.

  1. Find a Web page or site of interest to you, or one that is appropriate to your project.
  2. Cite this page completely, in APA format. For examples on citing Web pages, see: APA Style Guide examples.
  3. Write 2-3 paragraphs evaluating the site you chose. Be sure to address the criteria suggested on the Evaluating Web Resources page
  4. Print a copy of the first page of the Web site and attach it to your evaluation.

Evaluating Web Resources = 15 points


Student understands basic criteria for evaluating information

Student can correctly cite Web resources in appropriate style

15 pts.

Review is well-written & includes discussion & evaluation of content as well as all criteria (authority, purpose, audience, coverage, accuracy, timeliness, integrity and point of view)

Page is cited completely, using correct citation style

12 pts.

Review includes discussion of all criteria, but limited evaluation of content.

Page is cited completely, but not in correct format

10 pts.

Review includes discussion of some of the criteria, with little or no evaluation.

Page is cited incompletely, with no indication of missing elements

8 pts.

Review addresses some criteria, but vaguely.

Page is cited only by URL

6 pts.

Criteria not addressed

Page is not cited.