// Project Name: Assignment 1A - Area // Programmer Name: your name goes here // Date Written: today's date goes here // Description: Calculates the area of a rectangle #include // Header file to enable console I/O using namespace std; // Begin main Function Definition int main( ) { // Initialization // Declare data objects: double length, width, area; // Objects are data type double // Display identification on screen: cout << "Assignment 1A" << endl; cout << "Programmed by your name here" << endl << endl; // Input // Prompt for rectangle dimensions, and store // keyboard responses in respective data objects: cout << "What is the length of the rectangle?" << endl; cin >> length; cout << "What is the width of the rectangle?" << endl; cin >> width; // Processing // Calculate area of rectangle and // assign result to area data object: area = length * width; // Output // Display results in a complete sentence: cout << "The area of the rectangle with dimensions " << length; cout << " by " << width << " is " << area << "." << endl; // Termination // Indicate normal EOJ: cout << endl << "Normal job termination" << endl; return 0; } // End of main function