CST 110
Assignment 6

Due Date: 6/23/04
30 points total

Create a web page with a class schedule for the Winter semester (example below).

  1. Create a similar table to the one below. (10 points)

  2. Name it index.html and make it available at http://www.delta.edu/~userid/assign6/ (10 points)

  3. Use a minimum of four classes. Make up classes and times, if necessary.

  4. Use the <TH> tag for the headings. (2 points)

  5. Center the Section numbers and the days. (4 points)

  6. Add "CST 110 Assignment 6" (using the <H2> tag, no quotes) as shown. (2 points)

  7. Add "Winter 2001 Schedule:" (using the <H3> tag, no quotes) as shown. (2 points)

  8. Please e-mail me at cjdrouse@delta.edu by the due date to inform me Assignment 6 has been completed.