Castle Museum of Saginaw County History

A Delta College student views a Castle Museum exhibit portraying Saginaw-born actor Tim McCoy.
( See student essays about Castle Museum under Saginaw County section of website.)
The Cushway Home--Saginaw County's Oldest Home
 Delta College students tour Cushway Home as part of their study of local history. Saginaw historian,Tom
Mudd, provided history of the home, from the original owner in1844, a blacksmith, to the present
custodians and renovators, the Saginaw Historical Society.

Delta College students and Tom Mudd pose for group photo in parlor of Cushway Home.
History of the Cushway Home
Tom Mudd
Benjamin and Adelaide Cushway
Benjamin (1810-1881) and Adelaide (1812-1877) Cushway (formerly Cauchois) were prominent settlers in the Saginaw Valley. Both were descended from early French-Canadian families of Detroit. Between 1827 and 1834, Benjamin apprenticed with Harvey Williams of Detroit, a notable blacksmith and one of Michigan's first. Harvey Williams built the first two sawmills along the Saginaw River in 1834 and 1837. Benjamin and Adelaide were married in 1833. In 1834, three years before Michigan achieved statehood, Territorial Governor Lewis Cass appointed Benjamin official blacksmith to the Chippewa (Ojibwa) Indians at the Saginaw Indian Agency. Cushway served in that capacity until 1866 and was highly popular with the Indians due to his standing up for them and for his ability to tell stories in their own languages. In 1844 the Cushways built their home on the site of what was once Fort Saginaw. From 1837 to 1844, the Cushways were serving the Indians at Lower Saginaw (Bay City) at what is today called Salzberg, their log cabin just to the west of the Lafayette Street Bridge.
The oldest surviving residence in Saginaw County was erected by two of its notable pioneer settlers. In 1844 Benjamin and Adelaide Cushway built their home at what is today the southeast corner of Court and Hamilton streets on Old Saginaw City. The home was built on the highest ground along the river for many miles and was for hundreds of years a revered site for native Americans who often gathered there for festivals. The Cushways had fifteen children, only five of which survived to adulthood. Benjamin sold the home and lots to Harry Miller for $10,000 in 1867 so that Miller and Braley could build a bank building on the site, a brick building which still stands today and soon will be opening as a restaurant called Jakes. The home was moved to Harry Miller's subdivision at the corner of S. Fayette and Perry streets in 1867. It was moved to its present site in the City of Saginaw's Rust Park in 2001. The broken pediment at the roofline, the entrance with classical pilasters that flank the door and support the entablature above, and the simple exterior are hallmarks of the Greek Revival style of architecture, fashionable in the United States from about 1800 to 1870. While built by Americans of French-Canadian descent, the Cushway House was subsequently owned by the Vogts and Nacaratos, families of German and Italian ancestry--a testimony to the diverse ethnic makeup of the Saginaw Valley.
Great Lakes Logging and Indian Culture Museum
Curator Mike Slasinski
The Great Lakes Logging and Indian Culture Museum, located in Saginaw, Michigan, features the largest private collection of unique, antique logging hand tools and memorabilia in the country. Many are from the local area. The Indian portion of the exhibit has many bead decorated items, carved masks, baskets and prehistoric tools and implements.

Mike Slasinski, Curator 
The museum is open to the public by appointment only.
Phone: 781-11562 for an appointment
Hartwick Pines Park and Logging Museum
Railroad Museum of Saginaw

Bay County Libraries
( See student essays about Sage Library under Bay County section of website.)
Saginaw County Public Libraries
Thank You, Hoyt Library!
Hundreds of Delta College students in Prof. Mary Beth Looby's English classes have
conducted research on local and state topics at Hoyt Library, where they have especially
enjoyed the resources of the Eddy Historical and Genealogical Collection.
Hoyt Library

Delta English students visit Hoyt Library's Michigan History Room and utilize the Eddy Historical and Genealogical resources as they research their topics related to Michigan. Along with the great resources on Michigan history, students enjoy the fine architecture of the library as well as its most up-to-date technology.
Sample Student Reactions to Hoyt Library
Hoyt Library was a lot different than I had imagined. It was really old-looking on the outside, but completely surprised me on the inside! Hoyt is probably the nicest library I have been to.
I got a ton of help from the librarians, who treated me exceptionally well. I found excellent and critical information (on my research topic). -Ted Pacek II
Hoyt Library is neat--they refurbished it ands it is very nice. The building is so large-- it is the largest library I have ever seen or been in!
It also seems that anything you have to look up, they have a book about it. -Katie Creed