Delta College Historical Players
Historical Players at Hoyt Library's African-American Month Celebration |
The Delta College Historical Players are students from Prof. Mary Beth Looby's English 111A/112A classes who volunteer to share their knowledge of local history at schools, libraries, local functions, and college events. Students who enroll in Delta's Service Learning Program may earn service hours for their educational efforts, as well as an official Certificate of Recognition (See below). To date, Delta Historical Players have collectively earned more than 200 hours.
Student pictured above portrays Saginaw Lumber Baron Martha Hay for an English class presentation. |
Students present key facts about local history to a third grade class at Emerson Elementary. |
Delta College "official" Certificate of Recognition for education service work performed by a member of the Historical Players. |
Katie Creed reenacts important events from the life of Saginaw's African-American lumber baron, William Q. Atwood. |
Historical Players pose for a group shot after their performance at Emerson Elementary. Costumes for the Historical Players were purchased through a grant provided by the Saginaw Community Foundation. Some costumes, such as those worn by the lumberjack (front, with racoon hat) and the lumber barons (dresses with hats and jackets with ties) are authentic reproductions; others were purchased by funds from Prof. Mary Beth Looby' Carlyon Endowed Chair Award (2001). |