
Winter in Michigan
Mark Konwinski

Most people in Michigan like the warm sunshine of summer for picnics, trips to the beach, or camping. Some people like fall with the alluring beauty of autumn trees. Spring presents itself with the days getting longer and the air temperature warmer. With flowers blooming and trees budding out, people start looking forward to the warm days ahead.

Winter in Michigan, however, is my favorite time of year, as the temperature begins to plummet and ice starts to form. This is when most people tend to stay inside and grumble about how cold it is outside. I look at winter as my time to play. There is ice fishing, snowmobiling, hunting, skiing, and snow shoeing. Not being a big fan of crowds, I can enjoy most of these activities pretty much by myself. Most people would disagree with me, but when mother nature lays down a thick layer of fresh powder, you would be hard pressed to find a landscape with more beauty. Therefore, until more people realize the opportunity and beauty that Michigan winters have to offer, I'll be able to play in solitude in my Michigan winter wonderland.

The written and visual works in Mid-Michigan Remembers-Stories about Us were chosen on the basis of their quality, diversity, community interest and appeal. Views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the College. This space is provided as a service by Delta College.