Delta College
Experience the Delta Difference


Room E-118

Room E-118

This classroom has a Smart video projection system which allows projection from video, DVD, computer, or camera! It is furnished with five movable tables that can seat up to five students each. It also has five computer stations with internet and microcomputer based lab capabilities and a networked laser printer.

Room E-119 Room E-119

This classroom has a Smart video projection system which allows projection from video, DVD, computer, or camera! The room is furnished with four rows of tables that can seat up to 30 students. There are two computer stations with interent and microcomputer based lab capabilities and personal laser printers.

Room E-126 Room E-126

This classroom offers a video projection system. The room is furnished with three rows of tables that can seat up to 24 students total. Also included are five computer stations with internet and microcomputer based lab capabilities and a networked laser printer.

E-Wing E-Wing

The E-Wing part of campus was renovated in 1998. This part of campus houses most of the Physics, Astronomy, Geology, and Geography courses.

Stockroom Stockroom

Room E-122 is the Physics and Astronomy store room for equipment. Much of the equipment used for Physics, Physical Science, and Astronomy labs and demonstrations is stored here.

Planetarium The Delta College Planetarium in Bay City

This facility offers a Digi-Star projection system. The theater has seating for 130 people and has handicap accessible seating available for 6 persons. Dome diameter is 50 feet.

Astronomy Lab Room N-200 Astronomy lab

Room N-200 houses a Spitz A-3 star projector. This room is avilable for observing the night sky as well as hands on astronomy activities. It has a seating capacity of 30.

Astronomy Homepage

Copyright © 2004 Delta College - Revised: November 19, 2007