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MTH-121 Home
MTH-121-WN810 and MTH-121-WN820 are online courses with no scheduled class sessions.
Office Hours
in person
Delta College Main Campus, G202
Wednesday, 12:00pm-12:55pm
Delta Downtown Midland Center, Room 208
Zoom office hours,
Tuesday, 6:00pm-6:55pm
Wednesday, 1:00pm-1:55pm
Thursday, 9:00am-9:55am
by appointment
contact me and we will find a mutually convenient time to meet
of all assessment deadlines (homework, quizzes, exams)
XYZ Homework System
Week 12 in Plane Trigonometry
Remember that you have three assessments this week, all completed at
https://www.xyzhomework.com . This is
a busy week.
Quiz 6 due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, March 25: Chapter 6
Exam 3 due by 11:59pm, Thursday, March 27: Chapters 5, 6
Homework 11 due by 11:59pm, Saturday, November 9: Sections 7.4, B.1, B.2
We close Chapter 7 revisiting the calculation of the area of a triangle,
including an under-appreciated formula: Heron's formula .
Before we begin our final chapter, Chapter 8, we will take a deeper look at
vectors and the calculations that we can do with vectors, in both two and three
addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, magnitude, dot product,
angle, projection, and direction cosines
both the dot product and the cross product have an algebraic definition
and a geometric interpretation
cross products calculate areas of triangles and parallelograms in a
natural way and the scalar triple product calculates the volume of
Remember that never too far away from vector calculations is the idea that
vectors are characterized by right triangles.
Always try to draw a diagram of the problem you are working on, even if one is
already given to you, or if you can only draw a rough representation. Drawing a
diagram can help you make sure that your answers are reasonable.
Plane Trigonometry
Week 1 (January 5-11)
Course Introduction
1.1 Angles, Degrees, and Special Triangles
1.2 The Rectangular Coordinate System
1.3 Definition I: Trigonometric Functions
Homework 1, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, January 11
Week 2 (January 12-18)
1.4 Introduction to Identities
1.5 More on Identities
2.1 Definition II: Right Triangle Trigonometry
2.2 Calculators and Trigonometric Functions of an Acute Angle
Homework 2, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, January 18
Week 3 (January 19-25)
(Delta College Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Monday, January 20)
2.3 Solving Right Triangles
2.4 Applications
2.5 Vectors: A Geometric Approach
Quiz 1, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, January 21
Homework 3, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, January 25
Week 4 (January 26-February 1)
3.1 Reference Angle
3.2 Radians and Degrees
3.3 Definition III: Circular Functions
3.4 Length of an Arc and Area of a Sector
Quiz 2, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, January 28
Exam 1, due by 11:59pm, Thursday, January 30
Homework 4, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, February 1
Week 5 (February 2-8)
3.5 Velocities
4.1 Basic Graphs
4.2 Amplitude and Period
Homework 5, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, February 8
Week 6 (February 9-15)
4.3 Phase Shift
A.1 Amplitude and Period (Reciprocal Functions)
A.2 Phase Shift (Reciprocal Functions)
4.4 Finding the Equation from the Graph
Quiz 3, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, February 11
Homework 6, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, February 15
Week 7 (February 16-22)
4.5 Graphing Combinations of Functions
4.6 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
5.1 Proving Identities
Quiz A, due by 11:59pm, February 18
Homework 7, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, February 22
Week 8 (February 23-March 1)
5.2 Sum and Difference Formulas
5.3 Double-Angle Formulas
5.4 Half-Angle Formulas
5.5 Additional Identities
Quiz 4, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, February 25
Exam 2, due by 11:59pm, Thursday, February 27
Homework 8, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, March 1
Week 9 (March 2-8)
Week 10 (March 9-15)
6.1 Solving Trigonometric Equations
6.2 More on Trigonometric Equations
6.3 Trigonometric Equations Involving Multiple Angles
Quiz 5, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, March 11
Homework 9, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, March 15
Week 11 (March 16-22)
6.4 Parametric Equations and Further Graphing
7.1 The Law of Sines
7.2 The Ambiguous Case
7.3 The Law of Cosines
Homework 10, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, March 22
Week 12 (March 23-29)
7.4 The Area of a Triangle
B.1 Vectors
B.2 Dot Product of Vectors
Quiz 6, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, March 25
Exam 3, due by 11:59pm, Thursday, March 27
Homework 11, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, March 29
Week 13 (March 30-April 5)
B.3 Vectors in Space
B.4 Cross Products of Vectors
8.1 Complex Numbers
8.2 Trigonometric Form for Complex Numbers
Quiz 7, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, April 1
Homework 12, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, April 5
Week 14 (April 6-12)
8.3 Products and Quotients in Trigonometric Form
8.4 Roots of a Complex Number
8.5 Polar Coordinates
Quiz B, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, April 8
Homework 13, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, April 12
Week 15 (April 13-19)
8.6 Equations in Polar Coordinates and Their Graphs
Homework 14, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, April 19
Week 16 (April 20-26)
Quiz 8, due by 11:59pm, Tuesday, April 22
Exam 4, due by 11:59pm, Thursday, April 24
Final Exam, due by 11:59pm, Saturday, April 26