Assessment deadlines will be 11:59pm each Saturday.
All assessments are submitted to the Homework Folder inside your assigned
Google Drive folder.
There are no make-ups for missed assessments. Contact me before a deadline
if you have an issue meeting the deadline and we will find a mutually
agreeable solution.
Homework 1 (due Saturday, January 11)
Create an R Script file in RStudio (via File > New File > R Script)
and reproduce the eight plots in Section 1.5 of the
textbook (not counting 1.5.5 Exercises).
Save the eight plots to eight individual files, either .png or .pdf,
your choice.
Make sure that each of the eight plots are an appropriate size for
viewing. Look at the documentation for setting the height and
width in ggsave() with the command ?ggsave().
Submit your R Script file and the eight plots to your Homework
A sample script file and sample images from Section 1.4 of the
textbook are provided below.