This week we complete our introduction to R in our text, Part I Whole Game.
The shorter "Workflow:" chapters (2, 4, 6, and 8) are familiarizing you
with the environment of RStudio and how you can work efficiently in this
The longer "Data" chapters (1, 3, 5, and 7) are introducing you to the
fundamental issues of working with data: visualizing, transforming,
tidying, and importing.
Each chapter ends with a short summary of what has been presented. You
will not understand all of the aspects of what has been presented until
after you have used these tools regularly, but you should be able to look
at the summary and recognize what the authors are saying.
You may not remember all of the shortcuts that the authors share, but
over time they will become familiar and natural.
Chapter 6 Workflow: Scripts, outlines how to organize your work into files
(R script files) and directories (Projects).
Chapter 7 Data Import, shows you how to import, organize, and export data sets in
two common formats, CSV and RSD. We'll also practice pivot_longer() and
pivot_wider() some more.
Chapter 8 Workflow: Getting Help, gives you basic advice about where you can find
help and effective ways that you can ask others for help.
Organization is important
You need to organize your work so that you can reproduce it and
share it with others.
You need to document the libraries and data sets that you use in your
You need to know where your files and directories are and you need to
know both where you take files from and where you send files to when you
import and export a file.
Assessment deadlines will be 11:59pm each Saturday.
All assessments are submitted to the Homework Folder inside your assigned
Google Drive folder.
There are no make-ups for missed assessments. Contact me before a deadline
if you have an issue meeting the deadline and we will find a mutually
agreeable solution.
Homework 4 (due Saturday, February 1)
The instructions for your homework are contained in the R script