CST 110 Assignment 3 -- Formatting
25 points total
Create a web page with the following criteria. Please e-mail me the
URL to Don Southwell by the due date to inform
me assignment 3 has been completed.
See an example of what assignment 3 MIGHT look like.
- Use the web page from the previous assignment (assign2.html)
and rename it assign3.html
- Make sure it is accessible at http://student.delta.edu/your_username/assign3.html(5
- Use whatever colors you want (but don't copy my example!), just
make sure everything's readable.
- Change the color of the page using the BGCOLOR attribute
in the <BODY> tag (2 points)
- Change the color of the links, making sure they are readable (2
- Change the color of the text, making sure it's readable (2 points)
- Put "Assignment 3" at the top of the page. Using the <FONT>
tag, change it's size to 7 and make font Comic Sans MS. Do not
use the <H> tags (7 points)
- Put your name under "Assignment 3". Using the <FONT>
tag, make it size 5. Change it's color to something different than
the rest of the body text (2 points)
- Use the <OL> or <UL> to put your list
of links in an ordered or unordered list (your choice). (5 points)