Independent Study Research Site
Distance Education Technology and the Online Classroom
An Examination of Online Learning Technology
and Its Contribution to Learning Effectiveness
Topic: Issues involved with technology used for online education.
This would include software, hardware, and Internet integration. Key
questions: Who are the current players? How do they compare to each
other? How does technology enhance or detract from the student and
instructors online learning experience?
Given the high levels of Internet usage by college age young adults
and usage of the Internet as the primary delivery mechanism for online
learning, researching the issues associated with the technology used
to support learning and teaching in this new environment would be
beneficial from both practical and academic perspectives. As the two
primary participants in the learning process, students and teachers
approach the online learning experience from different perspectives
and have separate/similar issues interacting with the technology and
each other through a virtual interface. Of interest, is the contribution
of technology to this leaning experience and how does it affect the
online learning experience for both the student and teacher.
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