CST 177 Principles of Computer Programming II

Here is where you will find information related to the class. Course documents can be accessed by using the links to the left. As the course progresses, this webpage is where I will post Powerpoints, lectures notes, assignments, and any other information relevant to the class.

Links to the lectures and assignments will be made active after they have been discussed in class.

If you have questions about the class, check out the syllabus or drop me an email. (link below)

Course Description: Prerequisite : CST 170. Uses programmer tools to design, develop the logic, and document programs. Flowcharts, psuedocode, and other diagram methodologies will be used to develop algorithms and understand programming concepts. Emphasizes logic walk throughs and team development.

Course Presentations, Lecture Notes, etc.

  • Week 1 - Course Introductions, Overview
    • Review discussion CST 170
    • Arrays Overview (PDF link)
    • Chapt 8 - Arrays (PDF link)
    • Supplement - Flowcharts and Pseudocode (link)
    • Reading Assignment - Chapters 8
    • Lab Activity (link )
    • Homework - Questions 1 -20, pgs. 319-322
    • Quiz next week - chapter 8.
  • Week 2 - Arrays continued.
    • Quiz #1 - Array concepts (chapter 8 and last weeks ppt. presentation.)
    • Homework #1 Due
    • Chapt 8 - Arrays (PDF link)
    • Reading Assignment - Look ahead at chapter 9
    • Lab Activity - Discussion Participation, Suggested Activities
    • Homework - Questions 1, 2, 4, & 7 pgs. 323-324 (for each problem do the hierarchy chart, flowchart, and pseudocode.
    • Quiz next week - Array concepts and problem solving with arrays.
  • Week 3 - Arrays continued. - Problem Solving
    • Quiz #2 - Array concepts, chapt. 8, handouts
    • Homework #2 Due
    • Reading Assignment - Continue studying chapter 9
    • Lab Activity - Discussion Participation, Suggested Activities
    • Homework - Review questions, chapt. 9 pgs.363-367
    • Quiz next week - Sorting, Chapter 9
  • Week 4 - Arrays continued. - Sorting
    • Quiz #3 - Array concepts, chapt. 9, handouts
    • Homework #3 Due
    • Chapt 9a - Arrays, Bubble Sort (PDF link)
    • Chapt 9b - Sorts, linked lists, multi-dimensional arrays (PDF link)
    • Reading Assignment - Continue studying chapter 9, look ahead at chapter 10
    • Lab Activity - Discussion Participation, Suggested Activities
    • Homework - Practice questions chapt. 9 - #2,3,&4 pg. 367
    • Quiz next week - Second half, chapt 9 (Insertion sort, selection sort, indexed files, linked lists, multi-dimensional arrays.)
  • Week 5 - Processing User Input
    • Quiz #4 - Sorting concepts, chapt. 9
    • Homework #4 Due (Questions #2,3,4 pg 367)
    • Chapt 10 - Using Menus and Validating Input (PDF link)
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 10 - look ahead at chapter 12
    • Lab Activity - Discussion Participation, Suggested Activities
    • Homework - Review questions chapt. 10 - pgs. 404-406
    • Quiz next week - Chapter 10.
  • Week 6 - More Modularization
    • Quiz #5 - Menuing and data validation concepts, chapt. 10
    • Homework #5 Due (Review Questions, chapt. 10)
    • Chapt 12 - Advanced Modularization Techniques (PDF link)
    • Discuss Final Exam
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 12. Also review chapters 8,9, and 10 in preparation for final exam.
    • Lab Activity - Discussion Participation, Suggested Activities
    • Homework - Prepare for final exam.
    • Reminder: Final Exam next week (no makeups)
    • Reminder: Bring text to class.
  • Week 7 - Course Wrapup
    • Final Exam
    • Tearful Goodbyes

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