CST 110 - Basic Web Development

Here is where you will find information related to the class. Course documents can be accessed by using the links to the left. As the course progresses, this webpage is where I will post Powerpoints, lectures notes, assignments, and any other information relevant to the class.

Links to the lectures and assignments will be made active after they have been discussed in class.

If you have questions about the class, check out the syllabus or drop me an email. (link below)

Course Description: Develops skills to create and maintain a basic Web page using HTML. Includes text formatting, lists, graphics insertion, tables, and the use of links to other pages. Requires no prior knowledge of computers or programming.

Course does require students to upload web pages to their Delta College webspace (student.delta.edu/username) and be able to use email. For specific FTP instructions (software installation, uploading, etc.) and viewing student web pages, view the links provided within the left menu box.

(Special thanks to Cynthia Drouse for various class files and web templates.)

Course Presentations, Lecture Notes, etc.

  • Week 1 - Course Introductions - Syallabus, Objectives, etc.
    • HTML Overview (PDF link)
    • Lab Activity - Practice with HTML
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in text.
    • Homework Assignment (link) Due 3/13
    • HTML Basics (link)
    • Reminder: Quiz next time - Chapter 1 and 2
    • Reminder: Bring text to class.
  • Spring Break (Have Fun!)
  • Week 2 - HTML Basics, Hypertextual Links
    • HTML Overview (PDF link)
    • HTML Basics (link)
    • Link Basics (link)
    • Lab Activity - Practice with Links (lab A) and (lab B)
    • Reading Assignment - Chapters 3 & 6 - Look ahead at 4
    • Homework Assignment (link) Due 3/20
    • Reminder: Quiz next time - Chapter 3 and 6
    • Reminder: Bring text to class.
  • Week 3 - HTML Formatting, Working with Lists
    • Formatting Basics (link)
    • Interactive Internet HTML Formatting Page (link)
    • Lab Activity - Practice with Formatting (lab html)
    • Reading Assignment - Chapters 4 and 5
    • Homework Assignment (link) Due 3/27
    • Reminder: Quiz next time - Chapter 4
    • Reminder: Bring text to class
  • Week 4 - Adding/Working with Images
    • Imaging Basics - (link)
    • Basic layout tags and attributes (link)
    • Using images as hyperlinks (link)
    • Lab Activity - Practice with Images (link)
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 7 (Using Tables)
    • Homework Assignment (link) Due 4/3
    • Final Project (link)
    • Reminder: Quiz next time - Chapter 5
    • Reminder: Bring text to class
  • Week 5 - Working with Tables
    • Tables Basics - (link)
    • Tables Tutorial/Presentation (PDF link)
    • Lab Activity - Practice with Tables (link)
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 8 and 16 (Frames, Design Points)
    • Homework Assignment (link) Due 4/10
    • Final Project (link)
    • Reminder: Quiz next time - Chapter 7
    • Reminder: Bring text to class
  • Week 6 - Working with Frames
    • Frames Basics - (link)
    • Internet Tutorial on Frames (link)
    • Lab Activity - Practice with Frames (link)
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 10 and Chapter 18 (Sound, video, Good Things to Know)
    • Homework Assignment (link) Due 4/17
    • Final Project (link)
    • Reminder: Quiz next time - Chapter 8 and 16
    • Reminder: Bring text to class
  • Week 7- Sound and Video
    • Sound and Video Basics - (link)
    • Internet Tutorial on Embedded Sound (link)
    • Lab Activity - Practice with Sound and Video (link)
    • Reading Assignment - Review for final (All assigned chapters)
    • Homework Assignment - Finish Final Project, Study for Final
    • Reminder: Final Exam, Demo Final Project
    • Reminder: Bring text to class
  • Week 8 - Course Wrapup
    • Demo Final Project Website
    • Final Exam
    • Tearful Goodbyes

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