Using FTP


  1. Using an FTP application, like WS-FTP, gives you greater flexibility. You can delete files, create and delete directories, rename files and download/upload multiple files at one time.
  2. I recommend WS-FTP for these reasons:
    • It is available in a Windows 95/98/2000/XP version
    • It's easy to install and requires only minimal setup
    • It’s also fairly easy to use


  1. Download the Windows version. Click on 'ws_ftple.exe'
  2. Execute (double-click) the file called ws_ftple.exe
  3. Check the appropriate boxes.
  4. Answer Yes or OK to any question it asks.
  5. That's it!

The setup and configuration for WS-FTP (the host name, type and user ID will also work with any other FTP application) is:

  1. First, connect to the Internet, then start up WS-FTP
  2. Click the New button
  3. For Profile Name, type delta
  4. Host Name:
  5. Host Type: Automatic detect
  6. User ID: Your user ID
  7. Password: Your password
  8. Click the OK button at the bottom.
  9. WS-FTP will then establish an FTP connection through Delta's Internet server.

How to use it:

  • You’ll see the files stored on your computer on the left and the files located on Internet server on the right side.
  • To transfer a file, simply select it and click the appropriate arrow in the middle pointing to the opposite screen. The file will then be transferred.
  • Clicking the right arrow uploads to the Internet computer. Clicking the left arrow downloads to the computer you're using.
  • Click Close or Exit on the bottom to quit. Close only closes the connection. Exit shuts down WS-FTP.
  • To reconnect, click the Connect button at the bottom left.
  • There are two sets of buttons on each side (ChgDir, MkDir, etc.). Whichever side the button is on, is the side the button acts on.


  1. At the top of the Session Properties screen (after you click Connect) is the Startup tab.
  2. For the Initial Remote Site Folder, you can specify a directory and WS-FTP will automatically start in that directory on the Internet computer.
  3. For the Initial Local Folder, you can specify the directory WS-FTP displays on the left side (as A:\ or C:\ as examples). Any existing directory or subdirectory will work, but it will not be created if it doesn't already exist.
  4. WS-FTP closes the connection after 900 seconds (15 minutes) of being idle, so you may have to reconnect.
  5. There is an option to save your password (Save Pwd) on the Session Properties screen. I DO NOT recommend you check the Save Pwd box while using WS-FTP at Delta. It will give other people access to your account! Use your own discretion if you install WS-FTP at home or work.

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