CST 106 - Internet Foundations

Here is where you will find information related to the class. Course documents can be accessed by using the links to the left. As the course progresses, this webpage is where I will post Powerpoints, lectures notes, assignments, and any other information relevant to the class.

Links to the lectures and assignments will be made active after they have been discussed in class.

If you have questions about the class, check out the syllabus or drop me an email. (link below)

Course Description: Develops skills to access and use the Internet emphasizing easy information retrieval. Introduces essential Internet areas such as E-Mail and the use of Graphical Web Browsers. Requires no prior knowledge of computers or programming.

Course Presentations, Lecture Notes, etc.

  • Week 1 - Course Introductions - Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web.
    • Lecture/Discussion - Tutorial 1 (pdf link)
    • Tutorial 1 Lab Activity (link) - Click on "Connecting to the Internet"
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 1 - "The Internet" - Also, skim through Chapter 2.
    • Reminder: Quiz next week - Chapter 1
  • Week 2 - Browser Basics
    • Quiz - Chapter 1.
    • Lecture/Discussion - Tutorial 2.1 and 2.2 (pdf link)
    • Tutorial 2 Lab Activity (link) - Click on "Getting the Most Out of the Internet"
    • Homework Assignment #1 - Case Problem #2, page Web 101
    • Reading Assignment - Review Chapter 2 and skim Chapter 3.
    • Reminder: Quiz next week - Chapter 2
  • Week 3 - Email
    • Quiz - Chapter 2.
    • Homework Assignment #1 - Due
    • Lecture/Discussion - Tutorial 3.1, 3.2, and 3.4 Basic Communication on the Internet: Email(pdf link)
    • Tutorial 3 Lab Activity (link) - Click on "Email"
    • Homework Assignment #2 - Email Assignment (link)
    • Reading Assignment - Review Chapter 3 and skim Chapter 4.
    • Reminder: Quiz next week - Chapter 3
  • Week 4 - Search Engines and Web Searches
    • Quiz - Chapter 3.
    • Homework Assignment #2 - Due
    • Lecture/Discussion - Tutorial 4: Searching the Web (pdf link)
    • Lab Activity (link) - Click on "Protecting Your Privacy Online"
    • Homework Assignment #3 - Web Search Assignment (link)
    • Reading Assignment - Review Chapter 4 and skim Chapter 5.
    • Reminder: Quiz next week - Chapter 4
  • Week 5 - Internet & Web Resources
    • Quiz - Chapter 4.
    • Homework Assignment #3 - Due
    • Lecture/Discussion - Tutorial 5: Information Resources on the Web (pdf link)
    • Lab Activity (link) - Click on "Electronic Commerce"
    • Homework Assignment #4 - Internet Resources (link)
    • Reading Assignment - Review Chapter 5 and skim Chapter 6.
    • Reminder: Quiz next week - Chapter 5
  • Week 6 - FTP, Downloads, Collaborative Authoring
    • Quiz - Chapter 5.
    • Homework Assignment #4 - Due
    • Lecture/Discussion - Tutorial 6: Downloading and Storing Data (pdf link)
    • Lab Activity (link) - Click on "Keeping Your Computer Virus Free"
    • Homework Assignment #5 - ???
    • Reading Assignment - Review Chapter 1 through Chapter 6.
    • Reminder: Final Exam next week
  • Week 7 - Course wrapup
    • Final Exam
    • Tearful Goodbyes


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