CST 126 - Unix/Linux
Operating System
Here is where you will find information related to the class. Course
documents can be accessed by using the links to the left. As the course
progresses, this webpage is where I will post Powerpoints, lectures
notes, assignments, and any other information relevant to the class.
If you have questions about the class, check out the syllabus or
drop me an email. (link below)
Course Description: Provides a basic orientation to the Unix and
Linux Operating Systems. Emphasizes how to create, display, copy and
print files. Includes how to work with directories, and how to connect
to the Internet. Credit may be earned in CST 126 or CIS 109, but not
both (30-0)
To view the course objectives - click here.
Course Presentations, Lecture Notes, etc.
** This is a tentative schedule of class activities.
Instructor reserves the right to make changes as course work dictates.
** Tentative EXAM Schedule is as follows:
- EX1: 2/5, EX 2: 3/18, Final 4/22
- 1/8 Week 1 - Course Introductions, OS and Unix Overview
- Course Introductions, Syllabi, etc.
- Chapter 1: OS and Unix Overview, Logging into the System (link)
- Putty Login Instructions (link)
- Lab Assignment 1 (link)
- Homework
- Syllabus Quiz - in D2L
- Quiz 1: Chapter 1 and Overview Material - in D2L
- Lab Assignment 1
- 1/15 Week 2 - Essential Programs, Basic Commands
- Chapter 2: Utilities and Command Execution (link)
- Lab Assignment 2 (link)
- Homework:
- Quiz 2: Chapter 2 - in D2L
- Lab Assignment 2
- 1/22 Week 3 - Utilities and System Features
- Chapter 3: Touring Utilities and System Features (link)
- Lab Assignment 3 (link)
- Homework:
- Quiz 3: Chapter 3 - in D2L
- Lab Assignment 3
- 1/29 Week 4 - Editors
- Chapter 4: Mastering Editors - Part 1 (link)
- Lab Assignment 4 (link)
- Homework:
- Quiz 4: Chapter 4 - Part A - in D2L
- Lab Assignment 4
- Study for exam
- 2/5 Week 5 - Exam 1 (Chapters 1-3, 1st half chapter 4.)
- 2/12 Week 6 - Mastering Editors (cont.)
- Chapter 4: Mastering Editors - Part II (Tutorial)
- Vi Resource Sheet (link)
- Lab Assignment 5 (link)
- Homework:
- Lab Assignment 5
- Quiz 5: Chapter 4 - Part B - in D2L
- 2/19 Week 7 - Utilities
- Chapter 5: Exploring Utilities - (link)
- Lab Assignment 6 (link)
- Homework:
- Lab Assignment 6
- Quiz 6: Chapter 5 (Text and Overheads) - in D2L
- 2/26 Week 8 - Utilities
- Chapter 6: Using Utilities to Accomplish Complex Tasks (link)
- Lab Assignment 7 (link)
- Homework:
- Lab Assignment 7
- Quiz 7: Chapter 6 (Text and Overheads) - in D2L
- 3/11 Week 9 - Files and Directories
- Chapter 7: Creating and Changing Directories (link)
- Lab Assignment 8 (link)
- Homework:
- Lab Assignment 8 - Upload to dropbox in D2L
- Quiz 8: Chapter 7 (Text and Overheads) - in D2L
- Study for exam
- 3/18 Week 10 - Exam 2 (2nd half chapter 4, chapters 5-7)
- Complete Exam in D2L - Due by midnight, Saturday, 3/21
3/25 Week 11 - Shell Interaction
- Chapter 8: Specifying Instructions to the Shell ( link )
- Lab Assignment 9 ( link )
- Homework:
- Lab Assignment 9 - Upload to dropbox in D2L
- Quiz 9: Chapter 8 (Text and Overheads) - in D2L
- 4/1 Week 12 - File Permissions
- Chapter 9: Setting and Using Permissions (link)
- Lab Assignment 10 (link)
- Homework:
- Lab Assignment 10 - Upload to dropbox in D2L
- Quiz 10: Chapter 9 (Text and Overheads) - in D2L
- 4/8 Week 13 - Process Control
- Chapter 10: Controlling User Processes (link)
- Lab Assignment 11 (link)
- Homework:
- Lab Assignment 11 - Upload to dropbox in D2L
- Quiz 11: Chapter 10 (Text and Overheads) - in D2L
- 4/15 Week 14 - Communications
- Communicating using messaging, email, basic networking ( link )
- Tutorial Handout (link)
- Lab Assignment 12 ( link )
- Homework:
- Lab Assignment 12 - Submission instructions in assignment.
- Quiz 12: Communication and Networking - in D2L
- Study for final
- 4/22 Week 15 - Final Exam, Course Wrapup
- Final Exam, Chapters 8 thru 10, Communications materials
- Complete Exam in D2L - Due by midnight, 4/25.
- Complete remaining course work.
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