CST 183 Computer Programming 1 - JAVA

Here is where you will find information related to the class. Course documents can be accessed by using the links to the left. As the course progresses, this webpage is where I will post Powerpoints, lectures notes, assignments, and any other information relevant to the class.

If you have questions about the class, check out the syllabus or drop me an email. (link below)

Prerequisites: MATH LEVEL 4 and CST 173 (or CST 170), or instructor permission. Introduces programming abilities necessary for computer science. Includes control structures, subprograms, string handling, arrays, files, and use of graphical user interface components. Emphasizes object-oriented programming concepts. And use of classes. Introduces exception handling, drawing, and multithreading. (60-0)

To read the CST 183 Outcomes and Objectives (click here)

** This is a tentative schedule of class activities. Instructor reserves the right to make changes as course work dictates.

** Tentative Exam Schedule: EX1 2/7, EX2 3/21, Final 4/23

Speed Links: (choose week)

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15

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Course Presentations, Lecture Notes, etc.

Week 1 - 1/8 and 1/10 - Introductions

  • Course Introduction, Resources, Chapt 1
    • Couse overview, Go over Syllabus
    • Link to JGrasp IDE (link)
    • Link to JDK & Java Runtime Environment (link)
    • Link to student data files (link)
    • Link to Java source code files used in lectures (link)
  • Unit 1: Intros
    • Lecture: Chapter 1 -Introduction to Computers and Java (PDF link)
  • Unit 2: Intros
    • Lab Activity: Algorithms, Errors, & Testing Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • Reading Assignment - Chapters 1
    • Look Ahead - Chapter 2
    • HW Activity
      • Syllabus Quiz (in D2L) g
      • Quiz 1 - Chapters 1 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 1
      • Program Assignment #1 - Due ?? (PDF link)

Week 2 - 1/15 - and1/17 - Fundamentals

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 3: Basics - Java Fundamentals
    • Lecture: Chapter 2 - Java Fundamentals (PDF link)
  • Unit 4: Branching and Making Decisions
    • Lab Activity: Java Fundamentals Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • Reading Assignment - Chapters 2
    • Look Ahead - Chapter 3
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 2 - Chapter 2 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 2
      • Program Assignment #2 - Due ?? (link)

Week 3 - 1/22 and 1/24 - Decisions and Branching

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 5: Branching and Making Decisions
    • Lecture: Chapter 3 - Decision Structures (PDF link)
  • Unit 6: Branching and Making Decisions
    • Lab Activity: Selection Control Structures Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • Reading Assignment - Chapters 3
    • Look Ahead - Chapter 4
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 3 - Chapter 3 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 3
      • Program Assignment #3 - Due ?? (link)

Week 4 - 1/29 and 1/31 - Iteration and Files

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 7: Repetition & File Manipulation
    • Lecture: Chapter 4 - Loops & Files (PDF link)
  • Unit 8: Repetition & File Manipulation
    • Lab Activity: Loops & Files Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 4
    • Look Ahead - Chapter 5
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 4 - Chapter 4 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 4
      • Program Assignment #4 - Due ?? (link)

Week 5 - 2/5 and 2/7 - Checkpoint #1

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 9:
    • Test Prep & Review
    • Working session
  • Unit 10:
    • Exam 1: Chapters 1 - 4
    • Working Session
  • Assignments
    • Review all preceding material
    • Look Ahead - Chapter 5
    • HW Activity
      • Get all labs and assignments caught up (if necessary)

Week 6 - 2/12 and 2/14 - Methods

  • Review and Questions
  • Go over Exam
  • Unit 11: Methods
    • Lecture: Chapter 5 - Methods (PDF link)
  • Unit 12: Methods
    • Lab Activity: Methods Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • Reading Assignment - Chapter 5 & 6
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 5 - Chapter 5 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 5
      • Program Assignment #5 - ?? (link)

Week 7 - 2/19 and 2/21 Classes

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 13: Classes
    Lecture: Chapter 6 - Classes (PDF Link)
  • Unit 14: Classes
    Lab Activity: Classes Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • Reading Assignment Chapter 6 & 12
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 6 - Chapter 6 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 6
      • Program Assignment #6 - Due 3/19 (link)

Week 8 - 2/26 and 2/28 Arrays

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 15: Arrays
    Lecture: Chapter 7 - Arrays and the ArrayList Class (PDF Link)
  • Unit 16: Arrays
    Lab Activity: Arrays Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 7 - Chapter 7 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 7
      • Program Assignment #6 - Due 3/19 (link)

Week 9 - 3/12 and 3/14 More Classes & Objects

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 17: Classes and Objects
    Lecture: Chapter 8 - More Classes & Objects (PDF Link)
  • Unit 18: Classes and Objects
    Lab Activity: Aggregating Classes Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 8 - Chapter 8 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 8
      • Continue Program Assignment #6 - Due 3/19 (link)

Week 10 - 3/19 and 3/21 Checkpoint #2

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 19:
    • Test Prep & Review
    • Working session
  • Unit 20:
    • Exam 2: Chapters 5,6,7, & 8
    • Working Session
  • Assignments
    • Review all preceding material
    • Look Ahead - Chapter 23 First Looks at GUIs
    • HW Activity
      • Get all labs and assignments caught up (if necessary)


Week 11 - 3/26 and 3/28 GUI Apps

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 21: GUI Applications
    • Lecture: Chapter 23 - First Look, GUI Apps (PDF Link)
    • Chapter 23 PDF from Companion Website (PDF Link)
  • Unit 22: GUI Applications
    • Lab Activity: GUI Apps Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • Reading Assignment Chapter 23 & 24
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 9 - Chapter 23 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 9
      • Program Assignment #7 - Due ?? (link)

Week 12 - 4/2 and 4/4 More GUI Apps

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 23: More GUI Apps
    • Lecture: Chapter 24 - Advanced GUI Apps (PDF Link)
    • Chapter 24 PDF from Companion Website (PDF Link)
  • Unit 24: More GUI Apps
    • Lab Activity: Adv GUI Apps Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 10 - Chapter 24 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 10
      • Program Assignment #7 - Due ?? (link)

Week 13 - 4/9 and 4/11 Text Processing/Wrappers

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 27: Text Processing
    • Lecture: Chapter 9 - Text Processing/Wrappers (PDF Link)
  • Unit 28: Text Processing
    • Lab Activity: Text Processing Lab (link)
    • Review for Final Exam
  • Assignments
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 11 - Chapter 9 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 11
      • Program Assignment #8 - Due ?? (link)

Week 14 - 4/16 and 4/18 Applets

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 25: Applets
    • Lecture: Chapter 25 - Applets and More (PDF Link)
    • Chapter 25 PDF from Companion Website (PDF Link)
  • Unit 26: Applets
    • Lab Activity: Applets Lab (link)
  • Assignments
    • HW Activity
      • Quiz 12 - Chapter 25 (in D2L)
      • Complete Lab 12
      • Program Assignment #8 - Due ?? (link)

Week 15 - 4/23 and 4/25 Checkpoint #3

  • Review and Questions
  • Unit 29:
    • Final Exam - Chapters 23, 24, 9, & 25
  • Unit 30:
    • Working session
    • All late work must be submitted by 4pm (A071)
  • Assignments
    • Complete all remaining work.
    • Have a great break and a great life!
    • "Be well, do good work, and keep in touch." ~Garrison Keillor

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