Tables Practice

  1. Create a new webpage called tables.html
  2. Put your name at the top of the webpage.
  3. Create a table like you might find in a phone book: name, address, phone number. Make it three columns and four rows with a border. Use <TH> for the headings. Center the table.

    Here's the info to put in the table:

    Harry Chin 987 Beard Lane 555-1357
    Sandy Beach 2468 Seashore Drive 555-0987
    Joe Kerr 7777 Humor Road 555-2121
    Patty O'Furniture 3535 Deck Street 555-5555

  4. Create a table of Homer Simpsons favorite food. Donuts should be centered across three columns. Use a light-colored background behind donuts. Use the <TH> tag for Donuts, Jelly, Glazed and Filled. Center everything else within the table cells. Use a border.

    Jelly Glazed Filled
    Grape Plain Lemon
    Strawberry Chocolate Custard
    Raspberry Vanilla Creme

  5. Play with the formatting. Add backgournd colors,textures, etc. Be creative.
  6. FTP the tables.html file to your student directory at
  7. Verify that your formatting is correct (fix if necessary).
  8. After your happy with your web page. Print the page and the source code for lab credit turn-in.

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