Formatting Practice
Part One -- Create the web page:
- Using Wordpad or Notepad, start a web page named format.html
- Type the HTML code listed and then upload to your web space at
HTML Formatting
<LI>;First Item
<LI>Second Item
<LI>Third Item
Part Two -- Change background color:
- In the <BODY> tag, type this in:
The <BODY> tag should look like this: <BODY BGCOLOR="BLACK">
- Save, but do not closeNotepad.
- Go to Netscape and open (Lets try a different browser this time...)
- Is your web page background black?
- What happened to the text???
Part Three -- Change body text color:
- Without closing Netscape, go back to Notepad, make the following
changes and then reload to your web space.
- In the <BODY> tag, type this in:
The <BODY> tag should now look like this: <BODY BGCOLOR="BLACK"
- Save, but do not close Notepad.
- Return to Netscape and click the Reload button
- Did the text reappear? Is the text yellow?
Part Four -- Change the color of individual text:
- Without closing Netscape, go back to Notepad, make the following
changes and then reload to your web space.
- Before "HTML Formatting", type this in:
- After "HTML Formatting", type this in:
- Save, but do not close Notepad.
- Return to Netscape and click the Reload button
- Is "HTML Formatting" green?
Part Five -- Change the size of text:
- Without closing Netscape, go back to Notepad, make the following
changes and then reload to your web space.
- Add SIZE=5 to the <FONT> tag
It should look like this: <FONT COLOR="LIGHTGREEN"
- Save, but do not close Notepad.
- Return to Netscape and click the Reload button
- Is "HTML Formatting" larger and still green?
Part Six -- Change the face of the font:
- Without closing Netscape, go back to Notepad, make the following
changes and then reload to your web space.
- Add FACE="COMIC SANS MS" to the <FONT> tag
It should look like this: <FONT COLOR="LIGHTGREEN"
- Save , but do not close Notepad.
- Return to Netscape and click the Reload button
- Did "HTML Formatting" change?
Part Seven -- Change the list to an unordered list (bullets):
- Without closing Netscape, go back to Notepad, make the following
changes and reload to your web space.
- Change <OL> to <UL>
- Change </OL> to </UL>
- Save, but do not close Notepad.
- Return to Netscape and click the Reload button
- Did the list numbers change to bullets?
Assignment 3 -- formatting