Setting up hyperlinks in your Web Page(s)

There are different types and ways of hyperlinking:

  1. Link to another URL

  • This is a link to another site other than the one that contains the link.
  • It's also known as an ABSOLUTE URL.
  • browser appearance: Go to Microsoft (clicking on this link will transfer the user to
  • HTML source: <A HREF="">Go to Microsoft</A>
2. Link to another page at your HOME URL
  • Sometimes you might want to set up separate pages and link them together.
  • It's also known as a RELATIVE URL.
  • Browser appearance: Go to the hyperlinks practice page.
  • HTML source: <A HREF="links_practice.html">Back to the Resources page</A>
3. Link to an email address (mailto:)
  • Clicking on a mailto: link will open the message composition window of the browser.
  • Browser appearance: Send me email.
  • HTML source:
    <A HREF="">Send me email</A>
4. Link to an image
  • Use this to link to display a image for viewing.
  • This is also useful if it is a particularly large picture. You can help users avoid long periods of time for the image to load every time they visit your site, by setting up a separate link to it.
  • HTML source:
    Look at this great picture of <A HREF="dws_grayscale.jpg">myself</A>
5. Link to a file
  • Use this to link to a file for downloading.
  • Browser appearance: Download a Windows FTP program
  • HTML source:
    Download a Windows FTP program - <A HREF="ws_ftple.exe">ws_ftple.exe</A>
  • In order to save space, however, it might be preferable to set up a link to another URL you know contains the file.
  • Example: Download a Windows FTP program
  • HTML source:
    Download a Windows 3.1 FTP program -
    <A HREF="">ws_ftple.exe</A>
6. Link to another section of the same page
  • If you have a rather large page, you can set up links within the page to other sections of the page.
  • This requires two parts, the link itself and the destination has to be given a "name" which is referred to in the link
  • Browser appearance of the link: Back to Top
  • HTML source (notice the # sign): <A HREF="#top">Back to top</A>
  • HTML source (at destination): <A NAME="top"></A>
  • Note: the HREF and the NAME have to match; the rest of the text does not.

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