Basic Layout Tags and Attributes

The basic layout tags include

  • IMG
  • BR
and the attributes include
  • ALIGN=
  • CLEAR=
  • WIDTH=
  • ALT=

This will align Description on the top along side the image.

Example: <IMG SRC=”image.gif” ALIGN=”top”> Description of Image

Resuming Text after a Graphic

  • Using ALIGN=LEFT and ALIGN=RIGHT causes text to flow between the two images.
  • To keep the center space blank, use the CLEAR=attribute inside a break tag.
  • Text will flow alongside the image until the break tag is encountered.
  • As the CLEAR=attribute has the value right, the next bit of text will be positioned on the next line that has a clear right-hand margin.
  • With a right-aligned graphic, the next text will go beneath the graphic. Right-justified text formatted as a header gives a caption under the graphic.
  • If the graphic conveys essential content, this can be a real problem.

  • If the graphic is purely cosmetic, a text-based reader isn’t missing much.
  • In either case, courtesy requires that you say something about what the user can’t see.
  • The ALT= attribute inside an image tag is used for this purpose, taking a quoted text string as its value. A text-based browser displays that string in lieu of the graphic image.
  • Lynx users will see the insert “[INLINE]” whenever an image doesn’t include an ALT = attribute.

  • It is much better to have some idea of what a missing image depicts.
  • When you add an ALT = attribute, always remember to include square brackets so that the missing image will be readily identifiable as such to all lynx users.
  • Without brackets, an ALT = string looks just like a short text segment. In fact, the best way to make an ALT-string stand out is to use square brackets, start your string with an INLINE: prefix, and use uppercase letters throughout.

    <IMG SRC=”iggy.gif” ALIGN=right WIDTH=200pt HEIGHT=200pt >


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