Put the Delta College logo in your webpage

1.Open Internet Explorer or Netscape, if it's not already open.

2.Go to the Delta College home page (http://www.delta.edu/). Or click the Home button while at Delta.

3. Move your pointer over the Delta College logo and click with the RIGHT mouse button. Select "Save Image As."from the menu that appears.

4.Remember where you save the image and what its name is (seal.gif)! I recommend saving to a 3.5" diskette or a USB device, if you're at Delta.

5.Open the FTP program and upload it to student.delta.edu/<your userid>.

6.Open up Notepad and type this: save the file as images.html

Images in Web Pages

7.Add this line somewhere between <BODY> and </BODY>: <IMG SRC="seal.gif"> and save.

8.Return to Netscape.

9.Open up your web page http://student.delta.edu/<username>/images.html

10.You can use this procedure for almost any image on the Internet, including animated gifs

NEXT: More Practice with Images

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