Using Images with HTML

General Info:

  • Images on the Internet are either .GIF (pronounced "jiff") or .JPG (pronounced "j-peg") graphics. They are compressed formats and pretty much the standard. They will take up a lot less space and load much faster. Any graphical browser will recognize them.
  • You will need a special graphics viewer or software that recognizes .GIF or .JPG formats if you intend to view or modify them outside of Netscape or Internet Explorer.
  • I recommend Gimp ( a graphics viewer. It is freeware and available on the Internet. It requires little installation and setup. It can handle most image formats as well as convert between them. It's as powerful as an application like Adobe Photoshop, but it is free.
  • Almost any image on the Internet can be "borrowed". To "borrow" any image from the Internet using a PC, click on it with the right mouse button. Select "Save Image As..."from the menu that will appear. Remember or write down the name of the image and where you saved it. I suggest you save it to the A: drive, if you are at Delta.
  • Use caution when you borrow images from the Internet. Not all are free. Many are copyrighted and require the owner's permission to use. When in doubt, ask, or don't use the image. Or you may be contacted by a lawyer.... You should always credit the source for any "borrowed" image.
  • For a list of clipart sources, go to
<IMG SRC> tag
  • Displays an image in a web page
Note: no ending tag is required

Example: <IMG SRC="image.jpg">
Example: <IMG SRC="picture.gif">

Note: Make sure the image filename in the <IMG SRC> tag matches the filename of the image you saved EXACTLY.

If your image shows up like this: 
Something is wrong. Your image name may be incorrect and/or it's not in the proper place.

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